The Best by Par - The Benefits of Working on Your Golf Game

The Best by Par - The Benefits of Working on Your Golf Game

As sweltering summer days start to give way to cooler autumn weather (or at least temperatures south of 100) 😅, there’s no better time to grab your clubs and hit the golf course! 

Not sure?

If you believe that golf is just “a good walk spoiled,” we’re here to change your mind. With the mental and physical health benefits of going clubbing (the kind with grass, and skorts, and dimpled balls, that is…), you’ll want to schedule your tee-time soon! 🏌️‍♀️

The mental health benefits of golf 

Lucky golf socks - in case I get a hole in one

Okay, okay. We know. If you’ve seen our golf socks collection, we call out the fact that sometimes golf can be frustrating. But the truth is, as frustrating as it can be when you’re stuck in a sand trap, the mental health benefits of golf far outweigh the frustrations. ⚖️

Golf is proven to improve your mood. According to Golf Digest, golf is proven to: 

  • Reduce anxiety through moderate physical activity
  • Improve mood-boosting social interaction by encouraging you to get out with others, whether as part of a business transaction, a just-for-fun game, or a leisurely lunch at the club. 
  • Reduce symptoms of depression by getting outside and enjoying the sun and fresh air
  • Lower stress by spending time in green space, a proven way for reducing stress

  • The physical health benefits of golf

    Of course, golf has its physical benefits too. By providing moderate exercise, golf keeps your heart rate up which can lower cholesterol, improve lung function, and reduce your risk of heart disease. Some studies have even shown a correlation between golf and a longer life expectancy! 😱

    So what are you waiting fore? Nothing, of course! (Hidden pun!) 

    Join the par-tee, grab your lucky golf socks (and maybe a back-up pair, in case you get a “hole-in-one!”), load up your golf tote, and hit the green! Trust us—you’ll be glad you did! ⛳️
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